Revision Breast Surgery Before and After Photos
Conveniently Located in Upper Kirby to serve Houston
Patient Case
39 year old woman had breast augmentation 15+ years ago by a different surgeon and requested revision
Photos on the right are 6 weeks after Bilateral Explant of Saline Implants (375cc), Secondary Breast Augmentation with Internal Bra Procedure
(silicone, 465cc HPX)
Patient Case
38 year old woman had saline breast implants (500cc) from a different surgeon about 15 years ago. She desired exchange to silicone and more upper pole fullness.
Photos on the right are 2 months after Bilateral Explant of Saline Implants, Secondary Augmentation with Silicone Implants and Internal Bra procedure by Dr. Steely
(MemoryGel XTRA, 630cc)
Patient Case
58 year old woman had breast augmentation over 15 years ago by a different doctor (saline implants, 375cc).
2 months after Removal of Breast Implants, Secondary Augmentation (MemoryGel XTRA, 335 HPX) with Internal Bra procedure by Dr. Steely.
Patient Case
Patient presented with capsular contracture of the right breast.
3 months after Capsulotomy of Right Breast with Replacement of Breast Implant by Dr. Steely.
Patient Case
38 year old woman had multiple breast procedures by a different doctor and was unhappy with her results.
8 months after Bilateral Explant of Silicone Implants (380 cc), Lateral Capsulorrhaphy, Revision Peri-Areola Breast Lift with Augmentation (silicone, high profile, 450 cc) by Dr. Steely
Patient Case
54 year old woman had breast implants from 20+ years ago by a different surgeon and requested revision and replacement
Photos on the right are two months after Bilateral Explant of Saline Implants (800cc), Bilateral Breast Lift with Secondary Augmentation by Dr. Steely
(790cc, silicone, HPX)
Patient Case
42 year old woman with 16+ year old implants requested revision. 6 months after Removal of Saline Implants & Replacement with Silicone Gel Breast Implants, Breast Lift with Internal Bra by Dr. Steely.
Patient Case
32 year old woman had breast augmentation (550 cc) 5 years ago by a different surgeon and was unhappy with her results.
6 weeks after Explant of Breast Implants, Release of Muscle on Left Breast, Elevate Inframammary Folds, Secondary Breast Augmentation – silicone xtra, 490cc – by Dr. Steely
Patient Case
48 year old woman with 325 cc silicone breast implants- desired increase in size.
2 months after: Bilateral Explant with Secondary Augmentation (silicone, moderate plus profile, 425 cc), Lateral Capsulorrhaphy (tighten breast implant pockets & create internal bra)
Patient Case
This young woman came to our office after breast augmentation from another surgeon a few years in the past who was never happy with the position of her breasts on her chest wall. This is her three months after internal repair of her implant pocket with creation of an “internal bra” . You can see the big difference the repair can make in the intraoperative photo, where the left breast has been repaired in comparison to the right.
Patient Case
This young woman was very unhappy with the shape and perkiness of her breasts about 2 years after her augmentation by another surgeon. Dr Steely performed a replacement of her implants to a slightly larger size with an “internal bra” procedure.
These are her results 7 weeks after surgery
Patient Case
Here is an example of a patient who was unhappy with her breast shape after an augmentation by another surgeon. She did not like how the breasts sagged out toward her side and did not have enough fullness superiorly – she felt self conscious about wearing a swimsuit. After consulting with Dr Steely, we preformed a replacement of her implants to a slightly larger size and created and “internal bra” to help support the implant and give her the look she desired. She loves her new look in and out of clothes.
Patient Case
This young woman underwent a breast augmentation be another surgeon several years ago and always thought she was too big for her frame and was not an aesthetically pleasing shape. She felt it influenced her clothing choices and she did not “feel like herself”. We elected to remove both breast implants and the accompanying capsule and allowed over 6 moths for the breasts to revert to their natural state. We then re implanted with a much smaller implant and performed an “internal bra” procedure and modified her breast fold to help position the implant appropriately. Here are her results 6 weeks after surgery where she loves her new figure both in and out of clothes.
Patient Case
This young mother was never happy with her augmentation she had three years ago by another well known surgeon in the area. She always felt her implants were too narrow and had a “stuck on” appearance. After consultation with Dr Steely, she underwent a replacement of her implants with a slightly different size and a different shape, and underwent some modification of her implant pocket. Here are her results 6 weeks after surgery. Notice her greatly improved cleavage as well as the softer, more natural slope of her breast.
Patient Case
This young woman came to Houston plastic surgeon Dr Steely with the complaint of a deflated saline implant. The surgeon who had performed her surgery also chose a saline breast implant that was too narrow for his chest wall giving her a widened cleavage and a “Stuck on “ appearance of her implant. This photo is 6 months after her surgery where the saline breast implants were removed, scar tissue was removed with creation of an “internal bra” to better shape and hold the implant, and replacement with a slightly larger and wider silicone gel implant to better enhance her cleavage and to give a more natural shape.
Patient Case
Three months after implant revision in this 57 year old with a 15 year history of breast implants. She is thrilled with the improved shape and upper pole fullness as well as the symmetry.
Patient Case
Three months after breast implant revision. We elected not to use the periareolar incisions created by her previous surgeon.
Patient Case
Three months after correction of another surgeons breast augmentation surgery.
Patient Case
This young woman came to our office from another surgeon with severe contractures as well as a poorly chosen implant size and shape for her figure. She also complained of her breasts moving into her armpit while recumbent.
Here is her photo three months after revisionary breast surgery with new implants and an internal bra procedure with BellDerm acellular matrix. Though much greater symmetry could have been achieved with a breast lift, the patient refused it at this time.
Patient Case
Bilateral Removal and Replacement of Silicone Breast Implants (from 325cc to 425cc) with Lateral Capsulorrhaphy
Liposuction of Abdomen, Flanks & Pubis.