body procedures

Partial Abdominoplasty Recovery – Tummy Tuck Houston

Partial Abdominoplasty Recovery – Tummy Tuck Houston

The partial abdominoplasty procedure, also known as the mini tummy tuck, is a way of recontouring the lower abdomen. It’s less invasive than the full tummy tuck, meaning partial abdominoplasty recovery is also shorter. Treat your body gently during partial...

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Arm Lift – Brachioplasty Incisions Houston

Arm Lift – Brachioplasty Incisions Houston

To get rid of any loose, drooping skin and fat on your upper arms, try an arm lift! It’s important to discuss with your plastic surgeon whether you’re in need of a traditional arm lift or a minimal incision arm lift. How do these differ? Tradition arm lifts require an...

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