excess skin

Mini Abdominoplasty – Excess Skin Houston

Mini Abdominoplasty – Excess Skin Houston

Have you noticed excess sagging skin hanging from your lower abdominal area? This lax skin cannot be tightened through exercise. If drooping stomach skin has become an issue for you, a mini abdominoplasty may be the best solution. When a plastic surgeon performs a...

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Facelift – Facial Rejuvenation Houston Excess Skin Sutures

Facelift – Facial Rejuvenation Houston Excess Skin Sutures

Wondering about facial rejuvenation procedures? One extremely effective facial revitalization option is a surgical facelift. Though we’ve all heard of facelifts, most of us don’t know what they actually consist of or how they work. During a facelift, excess skin is...

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Abdominoplasty – Excess Skin Houston Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty – Excess Skin Houston Tummy Tuck

Interesting in eliminating those embarrassing fatty deposits in your abdominal area? An abdominoplasty is a popular method of removing excess flab. An essential part of getting extra fat suctioned out is trimming away loose skin. When a person gains weight, their skin...

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Tummy Tuck – Abdominoplasty Houston Belly Flab

Tummy Tuck – Abdominoplasty Houston Belly Flab

For many people, a slim midsection is a goal that feels unattainable. Despite regular exercise and dieting, that belly flab stays right where it is. If you’re losing hope, it’s time to consider a tummy tuck procedure. A tummy tuck will get rid of excess fat and make...

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