Laser Resurfacing Before and After Photos
Conveniently Located in Upper Kirby to serve Houston
Your Laser Resurfacing will be performed by Dr. Steely at his surgery center or First Surgical Hospital in Houston,TX.
Patient Case
Ten Weeks After Full Face CO2 laser resurfacing
Patient Case
Four Weeks After CO2 Laser Resurfacing to Lower Eyelids
Patient Case
5 Weeks after CO2 Laser Resurfacing – no makeup is used
Patient Case
Six weeks after transconjunctival lower lid blepharoplasty with CO2 laser resurfacing
Patient Case
6 months after laser skin resurfacing on this 78 year old woman.
Patient Case
Woman in her 50’s requested facial rejuvenation to minimize fine lines & wrinkles, old acne scars and sun spots
6 months after Full Face CO2 Laser Resurfacing
(patient only has lip and eye makeup on in both photos)
Patient Case
53 year old woman requested rejuvenation under her eyes
6 weeks after CO2 Laser Resurfacing to Peri-Orbital Region by Dr. Steely.
(patient is wearing eye and lip makeup only)